Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fuck November.

My friend is having a "Fuck November" party on Friday.....god do we need one. We have a mini "fall break" this long weekend where we get Monday and Tuesday off. In an alternate universe, I would be spending that time in Sydney. But it's not happening. I have a grand total of $300 in my bank account.

I hate how November just kicks me in the face like that, 3 days after my birthday.
I hate how November is when it starts getting dark at 5pm.
I hate how November is when it starts getting cold.
I hate how November is when the onslaught of deadlines begin.
I hate how November is the month of withdrawal after the fall play.
I hate how November is just one long, agonising wait for Christmas and winter break.

Is there anything good about November? Maybe this song, which is about how soul-sucking November is anyway:

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