Thursday, October 28, 2010


12:50am and I'm having my first glass of wine.
No more milestones to delay the definition of "adult" but fuck growing up.

I should grow up.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Things to keep in mind when you are in a play.

1) Just because you are a bit in love with every other actor and crew member does not mean you should act on it.
2) The "drama bubble" is dangerous. Amazing but dangerous.
3) The drama always leaks.
3) None of it is real.
4) All of it is real but you'll always wonder.
5) The curious phenomenon of the Cast Party is a wonderfully evil double-edged sword. Anything and nothing can happen. It's hard to know which you'd prefer sometimes.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


tariq and maya
one dark one blonde
saw the other in a mirror
saw the other in naked light
felt the other in secret shadows
tariq and maya; one dark one deutsch

now you see him now you don't
do you doubt when he shouts?
do you doubt when he leaves?
do you doubt when he refuses to speak?
and what about when he breathes
deep into you chest to breast?
now you know him now you don't

tariq and maya
one dark one light
what devil sleeps between you at night
tariq and maya
one dark one blind
one turned on the other with a poisoned mind