Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well, baste my steaming puddings!

Top Christmas movie lists are all the same, it's really quite dull. Everyone knows It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story are musts, so why repeat what's agreed upon?
Here's some non-generic Christmas cheer featuring a jarringly friendly but still hilarious Blackadder and appearances by Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry and Miranda Richardson. Imagine a tea-party with Prince George, Melchard, and Queen Liz. Best tea-party ever.

While we're on the subject of the genius that is Rowan Atkinson, his bit part in Love Actually is also absolute gold.

"Ready in the flashest of flashes" --that is a total Blackadder moment they must have deliberately referenced. God, who needs Bing Crosby when you've got this guy's wit and charm.


Victoria said...

Thanks for posting! I secretly love British humour. :) Merry Christmas!! xx

Girl from HK said...

No need to be secretive about it openly and with pride! Merry Christmas to you too:)